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love it but the android ver somethings wrong the characters doesnt show it says corrupted photos

In the corner top left? It's not an error, the characters doesn't exist for now. New sprites is coming, don't worry. 

Recuerdo haber leído esta historia en Wattpad :000. Me había gustado mucho. Definitivamente voy a probar esta versión. <33


When will this get a new update??


The new update gonna have two days, Presodal and another one. I'll update it when I have the second day and the new sprite. Sorry for the inconvinience.


Oh, no worries haha. Take your time as much as you needed. :)


pretty promising with quite some potential, would look forward for the sprites in game

but I think the phrasing, alongside with the grammar in some cases kinda puts me off, as they can be quite confusing at times.


I know. In Spanish have more sense than English. I'm trying all what I can to make it better, but, for now, we have this. Thanks for the comment.

Hola! Me interesa mucho la novela pero por alguna razon no me estan apareciendo los personajes, me sale image "tiger" no found

No se si es problema mio o algo malo paso en la descarga. 

Estoy muy interesado en continuar leyendo. Alguna forma de resolver este lio?

Aún no existen esas imágenes. Eso es el error que da al leer el código que muestra la imagen, pero como no existe muestra que hay un error. Mi artista está trabajando para que esas imágenes existan.

how do you download this in english

I'll put the instrunctions, but you need to go to "Opciones" and there's the languages.


I'm from Brazil and I play the game in English, and when I was playing, some phrases weren't translated, and I'll warn you about that so you can correct them properly.

Just me running my mouth: 

I haven't played all the game (Until the last scene developed yet, at least) but I prefer weightless visual novels. After the first won of the tiger and after the MC went to take a bath on the next morning, you can see that the game will push a lot more for the nudity than for the story (like knowing the other characters much better and then beginning a relationship with one of them). But it was good until now, I'll continue playing, but now my mind will be more conscious about the game at all. 

(Sorry for my bad grammar)


The game will have so much story before you can make a relationship with one of them. Will be too slow to progress, but nothing serious. I hope you enjoy the next updates.

Is that it? So I think that the game will be quite nice actually. But, again, the only thing I thought that was unnecessary was the bath scene (because the MC didn't know the tiger very well at that point, and that worried me a little). I'll continue playing and see the development of the story little by little. Good luck with it! 

Maybe I change that or maybe not. Anyone can imagine someone in the bath, or that's what I know for now.

I'm not saying that the MC couldn't do that. I was just saying that it was a little bit awkward because he didn't even know the tiger so well and was already imagining him naked and basically jerking off to him. I'm not complaining, I was just running my mouth and giving my opinion even if you didn't ask for it, and I consider myself an idiot because of it. Sorry if I offended you


Don't worry. You don't offend. I'm just saying that people can imagine people being more affectionate or not in bathroom. You can see it awkward or not, I can't say nothing about it haha. 


El nuevo diseño de Presodal 😍 OMG que guapo! 

Tendrá ruta el también? OωO


Y tanto. Hay cinco rutas planeadas por ahora y una de ellas es suya.

(2 edits) (+1)

Bieen!!! Ah acabo de terminar de jugar la última actualización, me encanta. La historia es cada vez más y más interesante y me gusta ver cómo la relación con Tiger va mejorando poquito a poco. 

Excuse me but where can I find the discord server? 

You can find it in the description of the game.

Whenever I encounter a character it says the character's image isn't found what's happening?


The sprites doesn't exist. My artist is working on that.

Oh okay

Deleted 1 year ago

You don't need to google translate it. You can change the language in the options. This visual novel are in Spanish and English. 

Deleted 1 year ago

Me ha gustado como se ha desenvuelto la Vn hasta ahora, tengo intriga por conocer a ese tigre mas y el porque de su personalidad. Recomendaré tu trabajo a una youtuber que sube gameplays de Vn, de momento es la única forma en que puedo apoyarte. Espero con ansias la siguiente actualización.

Pd. Por alguna razón no me abre el enlace a tu Wattpad, ¿Podrias mandarme el enlace por aquí si no es mucha molestia?

Muchas gracias por el apoyo que quieres dar. Me da cosa que una Youtuber pruebe esta visual novel sin tener casi ningún sprites. Igual gracias. Y claro, aquí tienes el enlace a mi Wattpad.

Igual se que ella tiene penitentes algunas Vn, por lo que es posible que pasen varias actualizaciones y ya haya mas contenido, pero definitivamente tiene que probar tu Vn. Y muchas gracias por el enlace muero de ganas por leerlo.

(1 edit) (+3)

The tiger is kind of an asshole, but I love him a lot lol will he have a route?


For now, I have planned to do 5 routes. So yes, Tiger is one of them.

(3 edits) (+1)

Nice! Also sorry if my description about Tiger was very impolite, the thing is I love those kind of characters who at first are impolite but then slowly open up to you during the story but my description probably wasn't the best... sorry


Don't worry about it. It's ok. You can describe him like you want, I heard some things like that, so no problem.

(3 edits)

He jugado un poco y me está gustando muchísimo! Es una pena que solo esté el sprite de Presodal, me encantaría ver al resto también. 

Crees que tendrás el resto de sprites para la próxima actualización? es que siento que es extraño jugar sin ver a los personajes, me hace sentir... vacío por decirlo así. 

Siento decir que los demás sprites están siendo trabajados. Puede que mi artista llegue a tener alguien más para la siguiente actualización o el cambio a Presodal, ya que quiere empezar con él.

Aunque me gustaría que fuese un dios dibujando rápido. Igual se está esforzando al máximo, ya que también tiene comisiones de un sorteo que hizo.

Y gracias por hacerme saber que te gusta. Es una alegría para nosotros y nos da ganas de esforzarnos y escribir muy rápido.

Pues estáis haciendo un gran trabajo, ya te digo que ayer jugué poquito y de verdad que me gustó muchísimo todo. La historia es súper interesante y por lo que vi en Presodal el artwork va a ser chulísimo. Tenéis todo mi apoyo!

me encanta solo hay un pequeño problema ,el sprit de presodal es el único del juego,después de eso me encanto el juego,buen trabajo :3

Ya, mi artista no tiene mucho tiempo libre para trabajar en ello. Me gustaría tener uno que pudiera, pero no es así. Igual, muchas gracias por tu apoyony que te haya gustado.

So... Almost every sprit besides presodal are not showing on the Android version... But is think is will follow this game

There are only Presodal's sprite. The artist is working in that. Sorry if there's no one more to show.

It is not even playable?  >=(

If you're asking for make choices, the next day will have it. It's just the prologue to make you know what happenes.

UwU something new is something good I hope to play this again in the future

I hope you enjoy it in the future too hehehe

If I could I would support you with money but I got none sadly but I would still read this.

Don't worry about it. If I know that you liked it, it's enough for me.

I like it and I can tell it will do great.

I'm glad that you like it. Thanks.

(1 edit)

I put every single line in translate lmao took like an hour but it seems like an interesting story.


Hahaha I see... Well, I hope you enjoyed the prologue. Maybe I'll do the translate for myself, but I don't know much English. I'll try.

Mi idioma nativo es inglés, no español, pero sin embargo lo jugué en español. Parece que hay jerga que no conozco pero creo que entendí la mayoría. Va a ser interesante jugar de nuevo en  inglés y comparar mi entendimiento.

Well, my English is not good, so I hope I did it well. Or, at least, understandable.

Hay unos errores grammaticales, pero se puede entender.

Esos errores gramaticales han sido corregidos en la siguiente actualización pública.

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